Awards 1
Shari’s “Wall of Fame”

Showing cats can be a lot of fun. No, they don’t have to run around a ring! They just need to be clean and amenable to being handled by strangers. It helps if they enjoy it! If you have a friendly cat, you may want to try a new hobby. I’ve shown in the Household Pet, New Breed/Color and Championship classes. Each class has its own guidelines, challenges and rewards.

Awards 2

GRC KaperKats Almond Roca–3rd Best Cat International, BEST Pixie bob Longhair in the SE
Living Legend Butch Catsidy (left) — 2nd Best Pixie bob Kitten in the SE

DGC Living Legend Geronimeow (right) — BEST Pixie bob in the SE
Living Legend Catrick Swayze — 2nd Best Pixie bob Kitten in the SE

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Awards 4

QGC Living Legend Geronimeow–BEST Pixie bob in the SE
SGC KaperKats Almond Roca (left)— BEST Pixie bob Longhair in the SE
Living Legend Danielle St Purr—BEST Pixie bob Kitten in the SE
Living Legend Angie Kittenson—2nd Best Pixie bob Kitten in the SE
Living Legend Furrah Pawsett–BEST Pixie bob Longhair Kitten in the SE
CHA Living Legend Leonardo DiCatprio (right) –BEST Pixie bob Alter in the SE
CH DixiePixie Boswells Ben Catwright 2nd Best Pixie bob Longhair in the SE
CH KaperKats Autumn of Living Legend 2nd Best Pixie bob in the SE
CH Living Legend Danielle St Purr—3rd Best Pixie bob in the SE

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Living Legend Drew Barrymew–BEST Pixie bob Longhair Kitten International/South America
Living Legend Zoeys Purrince William–2nd Best Pixie bob Kitten in the SE
Living Legend Catsy Cline–3rd Best Pixie bob Kitten in the SE
DGC KaperKats Autumn of Living Legend –3rd Best Pixie bob in the SE
CH Living Legend Zsa Zsa Gapurr– BEST Pixie bob Longhair in the SE
CH Living Legend Birch (left) –2nd Best Pixie bob in the SE
RW Living Legend Drew Barrymew (right) –2nd Best Pixie bob Longhair in South America
SGC KaperKats Almond Roca– 2nd Best Pixie bob Longhair in the SE

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Awards 8

CH Living Legend Jean Clawed Van Cat (left) — BEST Pixie bob in the SE
Living Legend Zoeys Ginger Pawgers– BEST Pixie bob Kitten in the SE
TGC Living Legend Jean Clawed Van Cat– BEST Pixie bob in the SE
CH Living Legend Zsa Zsa Gapurr (right)— BEST Pixie bob Longhair in the SE
Living Legend Al Catone –BEST Pixie bob Kitten in the SE
Living Legend Zoeys Donnie Pawsmond–3rd BEST Pixie bob Kitten in the SE
Coastal Dreams Thor of Living Legend–BEST Pixie bob Longhair Kitten in the SE

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Awards 10
CH Living Legend Zoeys Marie Pawsmond — BEST Pixiebob Shorthaired Cat in the SE
CH Living Legend Zoeys Donnie Pawsmond (left) — 2nd Best Pixiebob Shorthaired Cat in the SE
GRC Living Legend Zsa Zsa Gapurr — BEST Pixiebob Longhaired Cat in the SE
Living Legend Sioux Purrincess (right) — BEST Pixiebob Shorthaired Kitten in the SE
Living Legend Ben Affurleck — BEST Pixiebob Longhaired Kitten in the SE

CH Living Legend Sioux Purrincess–BEST Pixiebob Cat SE–Pixiebob
featured on Animal Planet’s Cats 101
TGCA Living Legend Donnie Pawsmond–BEST Pixiebob Alter SE
TGC Living Legend Jean Clawed Van Cat–BEST Pixiebob Cat SA

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Awards 12
Living Legend Zoeys Rosanna Arcatt (left) –BEST Pixiebob Shorthaired SE

Living Legend Rascal Catts– 2nd Best Pixiebob Kitten SE
Living Legend Valerie Purrtonelli–Second Best Shorthaired Pixiebob Kitten in the SE2012
(right) RW Living Legend Arfurr Pawzerelli, “Fonzie” took the world by storm!
While between the ages of 4 and 6 months, (the youngest a kitten can show), he
amassed enough points to be the 10th Best Allbreed Kitten in the SE, BEST Pixiebob Kitten in the SE and 2nd Best Pixiebob Kitten in the world! Twice he was Best of the Best Kitten in show!!

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Awards 14

(right) “Chaz” Charles Lindpurrgh hit his only show of the 2013 season hard and fast! BEST Pixiebob Kitten in the SE! As a mere 4 month old, competing against 7+ month old kittens, he was 4th Best Kitten in SHOW! 
Arfurr Pawzerelli, “The Fonz”, was BEST Pixiebob Alter in the SE (again).

(left) “Emmy Lou” LOVES showing and has steadily become a SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION (which can be tough to do as a long haired female Pixiebob–up against Maine Coons, etc). BEST Pixiebob Longhair in the SE (again).

Awards 15
Awards 16

(right)CH Living Legend Purrlock Holmes
. Best PB Kitten in the SE, 3rd Shorthair Kitten in the SE, BEST PIXIEBOB KITTEN IN THE WORLD 2014.(left) RW SGC Living Legend Pawtrick Swayze. Best PB in the SE, 7th Best CAT

in the SE, and BEST PIXIEBOB IN THE WORLD 2014.RW SGC Living Legend Emmy Lou Hairis BEST Pixiebob Longhair in the SE (again), 12th Best Longhair Cat in the SE, and BEST PIXIEBOB LONGHAIR IN THE WORLD 2014.

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Awards 16


(left)DGCA LivingLegend Pippi Longstocking was originally placed as a pet, but Marianne Rogers decided she would be shown and achieved BEST Pixiebob Longhair Alter in the Mid-Atlantic region!

(right)QGC LivingLegend Caterine Mewdici-BEST PBL Kitten in the SE and BEST Pixiebob Longhair IN THE WORLD!!

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Awards 16

(left)GRC LivingLegend Mewranda Catsgrove, “Randi”-BEST Pixiebob in the Southeast.

(right)LivingLegend Miss Furrah Pawsett—BEST Pixiebob Longhair Kitten in the Southeast


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Awards 16


(left)RW SGC LivingLegend Purrince William-TICA’s Second BEST Pixiebob in the World, as well as 20th BEST CAT in the Northern Europe region. He has been shown extensively in World Cat Federation and has a l-o-o-o-ong list of titles! Oksana Velikotckaia has done a fabulous job with him

(right)RW SGC ParadiseLynx Romulus of Doktari – BEST  Pixiebob Longhair in the WORLD, and BEST Pixiebob Longhair Kitten in the Mid-Atlantic region. Jane Handelsman of Doktari Pixiebobs has done a tremendous job showing him! Anne-Lie Wretman bred him from LivingLegend cats which makes him a “grandson”. What a team! 😉


(left)BW RW SGC LivingLegend Duchess Furgie, BEST PIXIEBOB IN THE WORLD!! Thanks to the efforts of Oksana Velikotckaia.

(right)SGCA Living Legend Meowen Wilson Second Best Pixiebob Kitten And Third Best Pixiebob Cat in the World.


(left)BEST PIXIEBOB ALTER IN THE WORLD: RW SGCA Living Legend Meowen Wilson. 3rd BEST ALTER Mid-Atlantic Region. Marianne Rogers and “Wilson” ROCK!!!!!


Burt Lancatster was BEST Pixiebob Kitten in the SE and 3rd Best in the WORLD.


RW BW SGCA Living Legend Meowen Wilson did it again!!! BEST Pixiebob Alter in the WORLD!!


LivingLegend Survifur Reba McCatire is BEST Pixiebob Kitten in the SE, 2nd Best in the World. GORGEOUS girl!!